That Time the U.S. Military Almost Used Bats to Firebomb Japan During WWII
By Michael Heidler People often have crazy ideas. Combined with megalomania and arrogance, they then create things like bomb-carrying bats. This “lowest f... Read more.

The SS Anti-Tank Rifle M.SS.41
ABOVE: Soldiers of the Waffen-SS equipped with an early PzB 38 during exercises. After the annexation of the Sudetenland and the destruction of Czechoslovakia a... Read more.

German Submachine Gun EMP44
Much has already been written about German military weapons. But still today some real treasures are left to be discovered. Some of them are re-discovered –... Read more.

MP38(L): The German Experimental Light-Weight Machine Gun
At the beginning of 1938, the Erfurter Maschinenfabrik (ERMA) received an official order for the development a new submachine gun from the Heereswaffenamt (offi... Read more.