At Milipol Paris 2017, the USA and Canada Pavilions are Invitations to International Cooperation
It has been two years since the last Milipol Paris. “What’s new in your country?”
Depending on where you’re from and where you stand, you could easily mistake that as a political statement. Since the 2015 show, there have been more than 50 presidential elections around the world. Add parliamentary or legislative contests, appointed posts and related staff turnover, and there’s a lot of “what’s new” happening politically in most of our countries.
Considering the nature and outcomes of some of those elections—notably in the United Kingdom, France, South Korea, the Philippines and the United States—you could even be forgiven for hearing a tinge of exhaustion in the question. For some, the pace of change has been non-stop.
From Kallman Worldwide’s perspective (we’ve been organizing U.S. exhibitors at international events since 1963 and at Milipol events since the 1990s), the coincidence of the show with political shifts in one direction or another is “déjà vu all over again.” Over the past two decades, the UK has had five prime ministers, France and the U.S. have each had four presidents, South Korea six and the Philippines, five. Shifts happen.
Over the same period, global military spending has grown from $1 trillion to nearly $1.7 trillion, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Consensus forecasts see global homeland security spending approaching $600 billion by 2021.
In other words, palace intrigue may be a perennial conversation starter at Milipol Paris, but it’s not the conversation: the business environment at Paris-Nord Villepinte would appear to be politics-proof, or at least agnostic.
Thus the question—and even more so, the answer—is precisely why nearly 20 countries, including America and Canada, are presenting national pavilions at Milipol Paris this year, and it has nothing to do with politics.
National pavilions are a patriotic expression of collective industry pride, presented in the spirit of global partnership. From nation to nation, they’re an invitation: “Come see our country’s new equipment, products and services. Show us yours. Let’s work together.”
National pavilions are also practical. They give participating exhibitors—especially first-time small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)—instant equity and scale. I think that’s why, as emerging economies flex their industry muscles in global supply chains, we’re seeing an increase in the number of national pavilions and exhibitors participating in them around the world.
Of the 750-plus exhibitors from more than 50 countries participating in Milipol Paris 2017, organizers expect 30% or more will be exhibiting in a national pavilion.
Among the largest national contingents, the U.S. and Canada feature a combined 50-plus exhibitors. Most are presenting in the new USA and Canada Partnership Pavilions organized by our company in coordination with numerous government agencies, including the U.S. departments of Commerce, Defense and State.
Our Pavilion exhibitors represent more than 20 states and provinces, and most are SMEs with some traction already in the market. All are exhibiting to initiate or strengthen connections that will create new jobs back home by growing exports and/or recruiting overseas partners to establish or participate in U.S.- or Canada-based operations.
This is Kallman’s 10th Milipol Paris; the first organizing under the “Partnership” banner to communicate that now more than ever, we all share in each other’s successes. Beyond the dollar value of buy-sell transactions, collaboration and teamwork are the preferred currencies of the global marketplace.
From original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to SMEs, Americans and Canadians at Milipol Paris share these values with the worldwide defense and security community. Our collective presence at the show affirms each of our nations’ commitment to partnerships that further common business interests, strengthen international alliances and keep the world safe.
Tom Kallman is President and CEO of Kallman Worldwide, Inc., organizer of U.S. exhibitors at Milipol events around the world since the 1990s; this year supporting more than 50 U.S. and Canadian companies in the USA and Canada Partnership Pavilions at Milipol Paris.
Milipol Paris 2017
USA and Canada Partnership Pavilions: Spotlight Exhibitors
Business Security Solutions, Inc.
Why Critical Infrastructure Facilities Use the BSS Biometric Palm Vein Scanning System
The World’s Most Advanced Biometric Vein Authentication Algorithm
BOOTH 6K-149 Business Security Solutions Inc. provides global business development services for the biometric palm vein scanner product of the technology company Biosec Group Ltd, which created an identification software and hardware system for the Fujitsu infrared palm vein sensor. Clients include military, law enforcement, critical infrastructure, banks and football stadiums. Identification takes place in under a second in outdoor conditions for databases of hundreds of thousands of users, “which is revolutionary in the biometrics market.”
Target Markets: Access Control, Identification, Biometrics
Contact: Illes Gallo, Managing Director, Business Security Solutions, Inc., Brooklyn, NY, +36 30 47 41 809; info@bssunit.com
Advamedica, Inc.
Axiostat: The Super-Bandage that Is Saving Soldiers in the Battlefield from Bleeding to Death
BOOTH 6K-162 Hemorrhagic shock due to profuse bleeding is one of the leading causes of death among soldiers. In the battlefield, effective first aid in such a situation can mean the difference between life and death. Advamedica has developed Axiostat, haemostatic dressing that helps stop severe bleeding from cuts, punctures, abrasions and lacerations. Axiostat is made from a natural biopolymer called chitosan and stops arterial bleeding within minutes of application.
Target Markets: Hemostats, First Aid for Defense, Emergency Dressing
Contact: Mohanraj Ganesan, Manager International Sales, Advamedica, Inc., Cambridge, MA, +1-91 95 00636882; mohanraj@axiobio.com
Night Vision Devices, Inc.
Have Night Vision Monos but Want Binos?
NVD PVS-14 Conversion to Dual Tube Binoculars
BOOTH 6J-161 Do you want state of the art dual-tube night vision binoculars but don’t have the budget? Do you have several PVS-14 night vision monoculars currently? Night Vision Devices can upgrade two of your PVS-14s, even broken ones, into BNVD-SGs!
Target Markets: Night Vision, Optics
Contact: Catherine Zile, Marketing Manager, Night Vision Devices, Inc., Allentown, PA, +1-610-395-9743,
Intelligent Devices, Inc.
Introducing MS99 Voice Privacy System
A Carefully Designed, Secure and Customized Audio Mask to Protect Your Sensitive Conversations
BOOTH 6J-155 MS99 creates an advanced, leading-edge audio mask to protect discussions from eavesdropping, technical collection attempts and unauthorized personnel. This portable voice privacy system is ideal for travel security scenarios with in-depth approach and protects sensitive conversations in unsecured areas.
Target Markets: Communications, Travel, Conference Rooms
Contact: Tim Areson, Vice President, Intelligent Devices, Inc., Columbia, MD, +1-301-498-7590; areson@intdevices.com