Postcard of an artist’s rendering of an Austrian soldier firing the Schwartzlose M07/12 water-cooled machine gun during a famous battle in Serbia on August 16, 1914. Painting by F.R. Jung.

French World War I CSRG (Chauchat) Team Member shoulder patch. Worn on the upper left arm, it features stitching of a flaming bomb and an M1915 Chauchat machine rifle on Horizon Blue wool backing.

Poster for ‘The Browning, Uncle Sam’s Official Machine Gun.’ Circa 1918, artist unknown. Privately printed for the ‘Schulte Cigar Stores Thrift Stamp Series – Poster 6.‘ The poster extols the virtues of the new Browning M1917 water-cooled machine gun and includes the notations, ‘Belt holds 250 cartridges’ and ‘Gun weighs 34 1/2 pounds.’ It continues with, ‘Fires 400 shots a minute’ and ‘Fired 39,000 shots without a break…A Thrift Stamp a day will keep it barking.’ Size approximately 20 x 29 inches.