Several years ago, SADJ visited ST Kinetics at their factory in Singapore and reported on their small arms innovations and products (SADJ V2N2, online at in 2012, we returned for an update. Singapore Technologies Kinetics, also called ST Kinetics, is a large land systems and specialty vehicle company covering the southeast Asia region. it’s a four decade-old company that is a division of ST Engineering. ST Kinetics has over 20 locations, over 6,000 workers, and is working all over the world in sales – primarily in its vehicle systems.
Compact Personal Weapon
During our last visit, we were able to see the newest offerings from the ST Kinetics Small Arms Division. The CPW, or Compact Personal Weapon, was the first item we looked at. We were impressed with the ergonomic design, the light weight, and the multiple caliber concept. On this visit, we got a deeper look at a matured design that is coming to market. The choice was made to stay with 9x19mm due to the prevalence of the caliber in the world market, as well as the proven ballistics and terminal performance. ST engineers have experimented a lot with some of the newer “PDW type” calibers, but chose to stay with the marketability of 9x19mm. The CPW is now ready to move into production and they are working towards production now.

ST Kinetics has two Automatic Grenade Launchers they are offering: the first is the CIS-40 AGL, and the second is a lightweight AGL that SADJ covered in the article available online from our last visit. The CIS-40 AGL and MK2 product improvements are the focus of our visit, along with seeing the continued application of the Air Bursting Munitions programming systems.
Nan-Sang Chin, Principal Engineer on the AGL MK2 project, came in to explain the operation of the MK2 improvements.

The CIS 40 GL is a standard break-open single shot 40x46mm grenade launcher. On its stand-alone platform it has a buttstock attached to it. If it’s going to be used as an under-barrel as shown on the SAR-21, it has a different mounting system. It uses one folding (leaf) sight, graduated in 50mm increments. It’s a very simple design, the barrel kicks open to the left at the back for loading almost any variety of ammunition, including gas and baton rounds. The weight unloaded with the stock is 2.05 kilograms and the barrel length is 305 millimeters. Overall length with the stock attached is 655 millimeters, and it has a 2.3 kilogram trigger pull. It can be adapted to the SAR-21, the M16 and HK series weapons, and ST Kinetics says that they can adapt it to almost any other system.
The author would like to thank Mr. Chow Ming Wong, Assistant Vice President of the Kinetics Marketing Group; Brigadier General Patrick Choy (Ret.), Executive Vice President of International Marketing, Mr. Horn Wai Leong, Senior Manager for Sales and Marketing, and Mr. Cheng Hok Aw, Vice President of the Engineering Division, as well as Felix Tsai and the other engineers at ST Kinetics who helped out during our visit.
Singapore Technologies Kinetics
a company of ST Engineering, Kinetics Marketing Group
249 Jalan Boon Lay
Singapore 619523
Tel: +656607631
Fax: +6562658862